Oh and another little thing according to the 6 month Pfizer study showed that the vaccines do more harm than good. That is from Pfizer, a whistleblower. We all know according to Pfizer, CEO and Dr. Yeadon and Dr. R Malone that the vaccine has no immunity and and that people can still carry and spread virus, so it is not a vaccine, it is a therapeutic?

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I have been a registered nurse for over 50 years so I've learned some things. What I am seeing right now are a bunch( a lot) of doctors not listening to their oath. FIRST DO NO HARM! I realize they have some bit of pressure from the AMA, and hospital administration over possibly losing their licenses, if they do not agree with the money making scheme(and that is what it is!) They listen to hospital protocols and basically kill the patient, time and time again! What bothers me besides what was stated, they evidently do not care, because they keep repeating it??? When I meet a new doctor now a days the first question I ask is, would you prescribe HCQ or Ivermectin to me if I needed it, when they say no, I say good bye! I want a doctor that will stand for what is right and honor his oath, I sadly think these morons out there don't get it!

My belief with this virus and what I'm reading and trying to learn about are the spike proteins. I have heard and read that they are the things that infiltrate your organs, and that the spike itself is where the variants are carried and that is why the vaccinated are all getting sick and spreading this stuff. I've heard Germany's studies call this the Pandemic of Vaccinated, and that s why the CDC called all the labs and told them to stop counting the vaccinated! What do you think?

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